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NextITS pipeline usage examples

Quick Start

nextflow run vmikk/NextITS -r main \
  -profile singularity \
  -resume \
  --input          "pacbio_ccs.fastq.gz" \
  --barcodes       "sample_barcodes.fasta" \
  --primer_forward "GTACACACCGCCCGTCG" \
  --primer_reverse "CCTSCSCTTANTDATATGC" \
  --its_region     "full" \
  --blast_taxdb    "false" \
  --outdir         "Results"

Input data


For PacBio data, NextITS requires a single FASTQ file (--input argument) with multiplexed samples.


For demultiplexing, sample barcodes (a.k.a. tags or indices) should be provided in a FASTA file and have the following format:


In NextITS, we use the SequencingRunID__SampleID naming convention (please note the double underscore separating RunID and SampleID parts). This naming scheme allows to easily trace back sequences, especially if the same sample was sequenced several times and is present in multiple sequencing runs. In the later steps, extracting the SampleID part and summarizing read counts for such samples is easy.

Sample naming

Please avoid non-ASCII symbols in RunID and SampleID,
and do not use the period symbol (.), as it represents the wildcard character in regular expressions.
Also, it is preferable not to start the sample name with a number.

Demultiplexing of PacBio data is performed using lima software. To identify best-matching barcodes, lima computes the alignment score of each barcode. These scores depend on the barcode length. In NextITS, the default threshold for the minimum accepted score is provided with the expectation that barcodes have a length of 12 bp. If your barcodes are shorter or you use barcodes of different lengths, you may need to adjust the --lima_minscore parameter.

Depending on the DNA library design, your amplicon sequences could be tagged with barcodes in different ways. NextITS supports multiple multiplexing strategies that can be specified with the --lima_barcodetype parameter:

  • dual_symmetric - identical barcodes at both ends (default)
  • dual_asymmetric - different barcodes at 5' and 3' ends
  • dual - a mixture of symmetric and asymmetric barcodes
  • single - barcodes only at one end

For dual-barcoding schemes, provide barcode pairs in the FASTA file using the following format:


Unique barcodes

Make sure that the provided sample names and barcode sequences (or barcode combinations) are unique!