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The NextITS pipeline is made up of multiple connected processes. Each of these processes is amenable to configuration, empowering users to tailor not just the process parameters but also the resources allocated for each one (e.g., the number of CPUs). When setting the pipeline parameter values, users have two choices: they can specify them directly from the command line using double dash arguments (for example, --its_region "full") or opt for a simple parameters file. Utilizing a parameters file is especially advantageous when dealing with numerous settings, as it offers a cleaner command line interface. In addition to this, individual processes within the pipeline can be fine-tuned using a dedicated config file.

NextITS boasts a vast array of configurable parameters. For ease of navigation and understanding, these parameters have been grouped into several categories, detailed in the sections that follow.


Required parameters

Parameter Description
--input Path to the input file containing single-end sequences (in FASTQ format) or the directory with pre-demultiplexed files
--barcodes Path to the file with barcodes (in FASTA format) used for demultiplexing the input data
--outdir Path to the directory where the analysis results will be saved.

The pipeline can handle both multiplexed and demultiplexed data inputs:

For multiplexed data:
- Use the --input parameter to specify a single FASTQ file (e.g., Run01.fastq.gz);
- You must also provide the --barcodes parameter, which should reference a FASTA file. The sequence names in this file should correspond to the sample names.

For pre-demultiplexed data (prepared using external tools):
- The --input parameter should direct to a directory containing individual FASTQ files for each sample;
- There's no need to provide a barcodes file in this case;
- Demultiplexed parameter should be enabled (--demultiplexed true).


Parameter Description Default Value
--demultiplexed Whether input is multiplexed (false, single FASTQ file) or pre-demultiplexed (true, multiple FASTQ files) 1 false
--lima_minscore Barcode score for demultiplexing 2 93
--lima_barcodetype Barcoding scheme type (single, dual, dual_symmetric, dual_asymmetric) 3 dual_symmetric
--lima_W Window size for barcode lookup 70
--lima_minlen Minimum sequence length after clipping barcodes 40

By default, NextITS assumes you're providing multiplexed data, which means a single FASTQ file accompanied by a FASTA file containing barcodes.
If your data is already separated into individual samples (meaning you have multiple FASTQ files, potentially more than one for each sample), use the --demultiplexed true option.

For every barcode, LIMA evaluates a score corresponding to its region. This score signifies the alignment accuracy between the chosen barcode and sequencing read, and it's determined using the Smith-Waterman algorithm. For the HiFi data, adjust the score based on your tolerance for contamination:
a setting of --min-score 80 should ensure over 99.99% precision. If you're working with shorter barcodes, such as 10 base pairs, consider reducing the minimum score for optimal results.
For a more comprehensive information, check out

Barcodes, which can also be referred to as adaptors, tags, indices, molecular identifiers (MIDs), come in various library designs. At present, NextITS supports 4 barcoding schemes: dual-barcoding (symmetric, assymetric, or mixture of combinatorial tags) and single-barcoding. For the dual-barcoding scheme, the amplicon should have the barcode on both ends of the amplicon. An asymmetric design, where each side of the amplicon has a different barcode pair, is also supported.
For a comprehensive understanding of barcode designs, please visit

Quality filtering

Parameter Description Default Value
--qc_maxee Maximum number of expected errors 1 -
--qc_maxeerate Maximum number of expected errors per base 0.01
--qc_maxhomopolymerlen Threshold for a homopolymer region length in a sequence 2 25
--qc_maxn Discard sequences with more than the specified number of ambiguous nucleotides (N's) 4

As part of the sequence quality control, it is possible to evaluates sequences based on the maximum number of expected errors (MaxEE) predicted by Phred scores (Edgar & Flyvbjerg 2015 DOI:10.1093/bioinformatics/btv401) and the maximum number of expected errors per base.

The ITS region of many fungal and other eukaryotic taxa could commonly harbour homopolymers exceeding 10 bases (Tedersoo et al. 2022 DOI:10.1111/mec.16460).

Removal of multiprimer-artifacts and reorienting of reads

Parameter Description Default Value
--primer_forward Sequence of the forward primer 1 TACACACCGCCCGTCG
--primer_reverse Sequence of the reverse primer 1 CCTSCSCTTANTDATATGC
--primer_mismatches Allowed number of mismatches for primers 2
--primer_foverlap Minimum overlap for the forward primer 2 F primer length - 2
--primer_roverlap Minimum overlap for the reverse primer 2 R primer length - 2

Default Primers:
By default, NextITS is configured for the data obtained with universal eukaryote primers:
- Forward Primer: ITS9MUNngs with sequence TACACACCGCCCGTCG
- Reverse Primer: ITS4ngsUni with sequence CCTSCSCTTANTDATATGC
Refer to Tedersoo & Lindahl, 2016 DOI:10.1111/1758-2229.12438 for more details on these primers.

Alternative Forward Primer:
For specific applications, we also recommend the ITS1catta forward primer (sequence: ACCWGCGGARGGATCATTA). It's designed to target and exclude plant sequences while avoiding interference from the SSU 3′-end intron.
For additional information on this primer, consult Tedersoo & Anslan, 2019 DOI:10.1111/1758-2229.12776.

ITS extraction

Parameter Description Default Value
--its_region ITS part selector 2 "full"
--ITSx_tax Taxonomy profile for ITSx 1 "all"
--ITSx_evalue E-value cutoff threshold for ITSx 1e-1
--ITSx_partial Keep partial ITS sequences (specify a minimum length cutoff), default = off (0) 0

When performing ITS metabarcoding, it's essential to trim the flanking 18S and 28S rRNA genes. This is crucial because:
- These conserved regions don't offer species-level differentiation.
- Random errors in these areas can disrupt sequence clustering.
- Chimeric breakpoints, which are common in these regions, are hard to detect in short fragments ranging from 10 to 70 bases.
(For details, see Lindahl et al. 2013 DOI:10.1111/nph.12243 and Tedersoo et al. 2022 DOI:10.1111/mec.16460).

To address this, NextITS employs the ITSx program (Bengtsson-Palme et al., 2013 DOI:10.1111/2041-210X.12073).
By using the --its_region parameter, users can select the region for subsequent analyses.
Supported options include:
- full: Represents the full-length ITS
- ITS1_5.8S_ITS2: A near-full-length ITS that assembles the sequence from the ITS1, 5.8S, and ITS2 segments extracted by ITSx.
This option is particularly handy when ITSx struggles to detect the end of the SSU. (for instance, when using the ITS1catta primer, which is located at the extreme end of the SSU and is not detected by ITSx).
- ITS1: Represents the ITS1 region
- ITS2: Represents the ITS2 region
- SSU: Focuses on the small subunit of rRNA (18S)
- LSU: Focuses on the large subunit of rRNA (28S)
- none: This option only trims primers without extracting the ITS

At the ITS extraction step of the pipeline, you can define a specific taxonomic group of interest. ITSx employs hidden Markov models (HMMs) tailored for 20 eukaryotic taxonomic groups. These models detect patterns in rRNA by recognizing variations commonly observed in multiple sequence alignments. To select the taxon of interest, use the --ITSx_tax parameter. You can input either single-character codes (e.g., --ITSx_tax f) or full names (e.g., --ITSx_tax fungi). For multiple selections, provide a comma-separated string, such as --ITSx_tax amoebozoa,rhizaria. For mixed-taxon datasets, there's an all-encompassing search option: --ITSx_tax all (which is enabled by default). A table detailing all supported organism groups is provided below:

Code Full name Alternative name
. All all
A Alveolata alveolates
B Bryophyta mosses
C Bacillariophyta diatoms
D Amoebozoa
E Euglenozoa
F Fungi
G Chlorophyta green-algae
H Rhodophyta red-algae
I Phaeophyceae brown-algae
L Marchantiophyta liverworts
M Metazoa animals
O Oomycota oomycetes
P Haptophyceae prymnesiophytes
Q Raphidophyceae raphidophytes
R Rhizaria
S Synurophyceae synurids
T Tracheophyta higher-plants
U Eustigmatophyceae eustigmatophytes
X Apusozoa
Y Parabasalia parabasalids

Chimera identification

Parameter Description Default Value
--chimera_db Database for reference-based chimera removal (UDB) -
--chimera_rescueoccurrence Min occurrence of chimeric sequences required to rescue them 2
--chimeranov_abskew abskew parameter for de novo chimera identification 2.0
--chimeranov_dn dn parameter for de novo chimera identification 1.4
--chimeranov_mindiffs mindiffs parameter for de novo chimera identification 3
--chimeranov_mindiv mindiv parameter for de novo chimera identification 0.8
--chimeranov_minh minh parameter for de novo chimera identification 0.28
--chimeranov_xn xn parameter for de novo chimera identification 8.0

NextITS employs a two-pronged strategy to detect chimeras:

  1. De novo Detection:
    This algorithm identifies chimeras without relying on reference data. To mitigate the risk of false-positive detections, sequences flagged as chimeras by the de novo method are not discarded instantly. Instead, they're assigned a chimeric score. Filtering based on this score can be conducted in subsequent analysis stages (refer to Step-2 for more details).

  2. Reference-based Detection:
    This method leverages a reference database in the UDB format.
    An example of such a database is accessible at:

Furthermore, NextITS offers an option to "rescue" sequences mistakenly labeled as chimeras.
The pipeline checks if these sequences appear in other samples where they are not identified as chimeras. If a sequence is consistently observed, it's more likely to be a genuine biological sequence. You can control this functionality using the --chimera_rescueoccurrence parameter.

Homopolymer correction

Parameter Description Default Value
--hp Enable or disable homopolymer correction true
--hp_similarity Allowed sequence similarity for homopolymer correction 0.999
--hp_iddef Sequence similarity definition for homopolymer correction 2

Although the PacBio HiFi reads are highly accurate, but they sometimes show errors in homopolymeric sites (e.g., AAAAAAA stretches). These sites are also naturally prevalent in fungal ITS. Such errors can lead to an inflated number of OTUs, slowing down clustering and reducing its efficiency. To counteract this, NextITS has a strategy to correct these homopolymer errors. For each sample, the dominant variant of the homopolymer sequence is retained and used.

Homopolymer correction

Homopolymer correction (n is the number of reads)

Tag-jump Removal Parameters

Parameter Description Default Value
--tj_f UNCROSS parameter f for tag-jump filtering 0.01
--tj_p Parameter p for tag-jump filtering 1
--otu_id Sequence similarity for OTU clustering 0.98
--otu_iddef Sequence similarity definition for tag-jump removal step 2

Tag-jumps, sometimes referred to as index-switches or index cross-talk, are significant concerns in high-throughput sequencing (HTS) data (Tedersoo et al. 2022 DOI:10.1111/mec.16460). They can cause technical cross-contamination between samples, potentially distorting estimates of microbial community composition. While careful sample indexing can mitigate this problem, a small percentage (approximately 0.01–0.1%) of these errors might persist in the data.

NextITS provides a solution to evaluate index-switches using the UNCROSS2 algorithm (Edgar 2018 DOI:10.1101/400762), which assigns an ad hoc score to measure the likelihood of tag-jump events.


Required parameters

Parameter Description
--data_path Input directory containing the results of Step-1
--outdir Path to the directory where the analysis results will be saved.

Denoising parameters (optional)

Parameter Description Default Value
--unoise Perform denoising with UNOISE algorithm false
--unoise_alpha Alpha parameter of UNOISE 1 2.0
--unoise_minsize Minimum sequence abundance 2 8

The UNOISE algorithm (Edgar, 2016, DOI:10.1101/081257) focuses on error-correction (or denoising) of amplicon reads. Essentially, UNOISE operates on the principle that if a sequence with low abundance closely resembles another sequence with high abundance, the former is probably an error. This helps differentiate between true biological variation and sequencing errors.

The --unoise_alpha option sets the alpha parameter, as described in the UNOISE2 paper. Essentially, this parameter establishes the dissimilarity threshold between frequent and infrequent reads.

The --unoise_minsize option (which corresponds to the -minsize parameter in USEARCH), determines the minimum abundance a sequence must have across all samples. Any sequences with abundances below this threshold will be discarded, as sequences with very low abundances tend to be noisy.

It's important to note that UNOISE was initially designed and optimized for Illumina data. Because of indel errors stemming from inaccuracies in homopolymeric regions, UNOISE might not work well with data that hasn't undergone homopolymer correction (more details at the USEARCH web-site).
Therefore, when using UNOISE, ensure you activate both options by setting --unoise true and --hp true together.

Sequence clustering

Parameter Description Default Value
--clustering_method Sequence clustering method "vsearch"

Supported Methods:
- vsearch:
This employs greedy clustering using a fixed sequence similarity threshold with VSEARCH (Rognes et al., 2016, DOI:10.7717/peerj.2584);
- swarm:
Unlike "vsearch", this uses a dynamic sequence similarity threshold for clustering with SWARM (Mahé et al., 2021, DOI:10.1093/bioinformatics/btab493);
- unoise:
This focuses solely on denoising to create zero-radius OTUs (zOTUs) based on the UNOISE3 algorithm (Edgar, 2016, DOI:10.1101/081257);
- shmatching (currently under development):
This method clusters sequences based on species hypotheses (SH) as detailed in (Kõljalg et al., 2013, DOI:10.1111/mec.12481, Abarenkov et al., 2022, DOI:10.3897/biss.6.93856 );

VSEARCH clustering

Parameter Description Default Value
--otu_id Sequence similarity threshold 0.98
--otu_iddef Sequence similarity definition (applied to UNOISE as well) 2
--otu_qmask Method to mask low-complexity sequences (applied to UNOISE as well) "dust"

SWARM clustering

Parameter Description Default Value
--swarm_d SWARM clustering resolution (d) 1
--swarm_fastidious Link nearby low-abundance swarms (fastidious option) true
--swarm_d1boundary Minimal mass of large OTUs (only for fastidious with d=1) 3

OTU table preparation, thresholds for singleton and de novo chimera removal

Parameter Description Default Value
--merge_replicates Pool sample replicates (e.g., re-sequenced samples) in the final OTU table false
--max_MEEP Maximum allowed number of expected errors per 100 bp 0.5
--max_ChimeraScore Maximum allowed de novo chimera score 0.6
--recover_lowqsingletons Logical, Recover de novo chimeras 1 true
--recover_denovochimeras Logical, Recover singletons 2 true

1: Do-novo chimera recovery:
if a sequence identified as putative chimera was observed in the other samples, where there is no evidence that it is chimeric, it will be recovered.

2: Singleton recovery:
if a within-sequencing run singleton sequence with relatively low quality (based on MEEP) was observed in the other samples, it will be recovered.

Post-clustering curation with LULU

Parameter Description Default Value
--lulu Run LULU true
--lulu_match Minimum similarity threshold 95.0
--lulu_ratio Minimum abundance ratio 1.0
--lulu_ratiotype Abundance ratio type - "min" or "avg" "min"
--lulu_relcooc Relative co-occurrence 0.95
--lulu_maxhits Maximum number of hits (0 = unlimited) 0

Please Note: The default value for --lulu_match in NextITS is set to a 95% similarity threshold. This differs from the original LULU paper, where the default threshold is 84%.

Miscellaneous parameters

Parameter Description Default Value
--gzip_compression Compression level for GZIP 1 7
--storagemode Adjusts how files are directed to the results folder 2 "symlink"

To save disk space and potentially enhance data reading speed, NextITS compresses data using gzip. Adjust the balance between speed and compression ratio with the --gzip_compression parameter. Where -1 is the fastest option (worst compression), and -9 is slowest (best compression).

In the default setup, files are directed to the results folder (--output) using symbolic links (or symlinks) which help save disk space. Each symlink points to the actual file located in the process working directory. This behavior can be modified using the --storagemode parameter.
Refer to the table below for a complete list of available storage mode options.

Storage mode Description
symlink Creates a symbolic link to the file
copy Copies the file to the target directory
move Moves the file to the target directory (not recommended)
rellink Creates a relative symbolic link to the file
link Creates a hard link to the file